The power of three in our creations


Today, on this third day of the month, we celebrate three years of life for Esencias.

There’s something magical in the power of three - I find that applying three chunks of effort towards creating something or making a change is significant. If no positive movement comes of it, it’s time to move on.

I’m delighted and humbled that Esencias, as a manifestation of my heart and soul, has successfully reached the three stage.

The path of 1,2,3

The first year of Esencias was a touch tentative, as while it took six months to turn a passionate hobby into a business I launched on 3 November 2020, it sometimes felt I had one foot in and one foot out.

At that time I was in a full time corporate job, and although I dreamed of one day leaving to pursue my passion with total focus, it didn’t seem possible that it’d be anytime soon.

Our second birthday in November 2021 was a turning point, as right at that time I had to leave my job – I could not do what it required of me because my ethics weren’t aligned.

It was a difficult and also wonderful time, as my options were to look for another job and continue with Esencias in my spare time, or give it my all. I chose the latter.

That second year was all about disciplined work and a big picture focus. It required patience and fortitude to really get behind myself and Esencias, including door knocking at retailers, and agreeing to consignment placements just to get a foot in the door, when I actually wanted wholesale agreements.

Over that year, developing new products and keeping up marketing and sales was challenging at times. There was no instant gratification.

The last year stands out as one where trust and optimism were the vital elements that – along with the work - led Esencias to take some solid steps.

We’re now regularly at markets around Perth, have a growing group of wholesale clients, are increasing online sales, engage helping hands to pour candles, and offer several new products. There’s also some exciting new ideas we’re investigating around luxe attire, inspired on a trip to Vietnam.

Inner sparks

Hand on heart, Esencias is what I know I am meant to be doing, and I trust it will continue to grow and evolve with me.

It is an extension of my being, and I hope you feel the loving intention behind the creations – to help us reconnect with our true selves through enjoying beauty.

In celebration of your essence,

Dominique xo