Stepping through the 8.8 Lion’s Gate


The Lion’s Gate or 8 August comes around just before my birthday every year, and I always sense the power of this light portal that connects us to more of our true selves and the abundance inherent in that.

It’s a potent time for ritual, meditation or to just relax and go inwardly, and I’ll share some ideas for setting a space for this.

The Lion’s Gate is an astronomical event relating to the rising of the fixed star Sirius A (also known as the Dog Star) and the numerology of the 8 vibration of abundance and power, as the sun sits in its own sign of Leo.

In late July each year, Sirius A starts to separate from travelling near our sun, then through August we can see it with our naked eye as it rises on the eastern horizon.

Sirius A is known as our spiritual sun, being much bigger and more potent than our local sun. When Sirius A rises and is more visible to us on Earth, it brings higher frequency light our way that helps us connect to higher truth.

This year’s Lion’s Gate is happening in the middle of a retrograde of the planet of love, beauty, relationships of all kinds, self-worth and our values, Venus, as she sits in the sign of Leo. 

It’s a time when themes can rise from the past, which could reignite a desire to put our creations out into the world as we follow our hearts with more confidence, or revisit unaddressed feelings and needs to find a more fruitful approach to love of self, others and life itself. 

This good pile up helps us access the divine portal to the true essence of self, and this is what Esencias is all about in our deepest purpose.

Setting a space to enter the Lion’s Gate

  • Set a sacred space by placing a candle, perhaps playing some music, and if you like choose some flowers, crystals and/or other objects that you find beautiful or meaningful symbols for what you seek more of.

  • Acknowledge the Lion’s Gate portal and your gratitude to be receiving the light and to know more of your greatness as a creative being.

  • Light your candle as you hold an intention – it could be as simple as feeling more of your true essence, through to an event or situation you want to experience.

  • Close your eyes, slow down your breath and expand your senses to feel more of your soulful essence as you gently focus on what you seek. Remember that what you seek, you already are – sense the knowing of this, allowing it to expand so it can be more reflected in your daily reality.

  • Stay in this space as long as you like. You might also like to write down your feelings and intentions.

  • Complete the ritual with gratitude with love in your heart!

Wishing you a light filled Lion’s Gate,
