Valentines Edition - Love

Valentines Edition - Love


Our Valentine’s Day Love candle is Infused with ylang ylang, grapefruit, jasmine, and patchouli essential oils to inspire love, sensuality and connection. The perfect candle to help set the mood for time with that someone special or to enjoy alone for self reflection. This sensual blend will relax your senses and open your heart to receive love and pleasure.

Ylang Ylang promotes feelings of romance and passion. It’s exotic, intoxicating, grounding properties promotes calm while uplifting emotions.

Jasmine is known for its aphrodisiac effects. It elevates ‘the’ mood while increasing romantic feelings and energy levels.

Grapefruit gently stimulates the heart, solar plexus and third eye chakras, helping restore our power while supporting self-love.

Patchouli has a deep, earthy, and arousing scent for both men and women. It is grounding as it activates the pituitary gland, causing a spike in love endorphins in the bloodstream.

‘I have found with you a Quiet Love. One grounded not in need but in care and in tenderness.

One that listens before it rises up to speak.

One that does not strike out or retreat in the face of each challenge but instead welcomes the lesson and opportunity for growth.

Yours is a love that is both selfless and patient.

One that gives without though of what it might receive in return.

It is through You my heart at last has learned that it is not fire, but the calm, gentle quiet that True Love makes its home.’

- Beau Taplin -

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Candle Properties:

  • Burn Time: ~25 hours 

  • Fill: 150ml


  • Infused with 100% essential oils

  • Rose petal finish

  • Natural soy wax + 100% natural wicks

  • Hand-poured in Australia

  • Vegan & Cruelty free